Some organisation may have company vehicle for care staff, and want to manage its allocation using TurnPoint.
You can use do this by following the below steps.
1. Add vehicle as client
For you to allocate company car to your care staff, you will need to add vehicle as a client. Few things to note when adding it:
i. Set name as car registration number so it's easily recognisable (sample image below)
ii. address can be company address
iii. mark it as Non-chargeable client so it doesn't get billed
2. Add service type for allocation purpose
You can then create a service type so that you can use this as a shift (car) assigned to a client (vehicle) so that care staff knows which vehicle they are allocated.
i. Service type name: any name that can be easily recognisable for staff
ii. Billing/payment type: Mark it as None to both billing type and payment type as this is purely for allocation purpose and not to be charged or paid.
Also, don't forget to select YES next to Ignore conflicts:
This way, even if you allocate vehicle appointment to a care staff and he/she has actual appointment, it doesn't come up as conflicting appointments.
3. Create appointment
Once you have both car and service type set up, you can now create appointment for vehicle allocation and assign it to care staff.
4. Allocation
Ensure it's allocated to the relevant care worker through Weekly planner. On the example image below, you can see vehicle DBE16E has been allocated to carer Berna
If you need further assistance with this process, please contact support team at
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