When you check Payroll records, you sometimes will have Possible error with overlapping times warning flag on it.
First common reason is that there's an actual overlapping times between shift as you can see in the below sample case. (first shift ends at 10:30 and second shift starts from 10:00)
Another common reason of this alert message (especially when there isn't actual overlapping times between appointments) is due to appointment is not completed correctly.
When you look at the below payroll sample, you can see there isn't actually any time overlapping between shift.
When you run payroll, the system will display appointments in the order of times marked by care worker making any incomplete appointment sitting separately.
As you can see from timesheet menu, the third shift (14:00-16:00) wasn't completed while the rest were completed.
So the payroll displays all completed appointments in chronological order(in red box), with one incomplete shift(in green box) placed at the top which makes the whole order of shift disorganised.
So if you find Possible error with overlapping times alert, please 1) first check the time of shift, then 2) whether all shift is completed correctly.
In case of second scenario, once the shift is marked completed, this message will disappear.
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